Will Donald Trump take control of Atlantic City?

But that’s changed. A bunch of casinos closed their doors last year, including Trump Plaza. Trump Taj Mahal has remained open thanks to a deal with Billionaire Carl Icahn, but there was a chance that the Trump name would no longer be a part of the iconic Atlantic City casino.
Last year, Donald Trump sued the owners of Trump Taj Mahal, asking for his name to be removed from the hotel and casino complex. He argued that the owners had let the property slip into a horrible level of disrepair, so much so that the building had tarnished The Donald’s name and reputation.
To be clear, Donald Trump no longer owns Trump Taj Mahal, but a deal reached when Trump sold the properties allowed the owners to keep the name. Donald wanted to put a stop to that.
But it seems as though The Apprentice star has changed his tune, no longer screaming, “You’re fired!” at the signage that bears his name (we can’t confirm that he actually ever did that, but we can dream). Trump has reached a deal with Carl Icahn to keep his name on the property.
Why the change of heart? Well, it seems that Icahn has promised to put the necessary money into the Taj Mahal to make it once again desirable. While figures haven’t been disclosed, it’s obviously enough money to get Donald Trump excited.
To be clear, Donald Trump does not have any ownership in Trump Entertainment. But perception is everything and most people think that the Trump property is owned and operated by Donald.
If Trump is willing to let this perception continue, we’re willing to put money on the fact that Trump Taj Mahal could once again become the crown jewel of the Atlantic City boardwalk. And if it succeeds, perhaps we could see Donald Trump officially re-enter Atlantic City and return the seaside resort town to its glory days.